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Drug Addiction
Drug addiction, both to illicit drugs and prescription drugs, is a common issue in the India and worldwide. The line between illicit and prescription drug abuse is becoming less distinct as a growing number of legitimate prescriptions become diverted to the illicit market. All forms of drug abuse, illicit or otherwise, place individuals at high risk of developing substance use disorders, and should be addressed immediately.
How is drug addiction treated?
  • Detoxification (the process by which the body rids itself of a drug)
  • Behavioral counseling
  • Medication (for tobacco, or alcohol addiction)
  • Evaluation and treatment for co-occurring mental health issues such as depression and anxiety
  • Long-term follow-up to prevent relapse
  • Detoxification: It literally means getting rid of the toxins. Detoxification in alcohol/drug dependent persons is the process by which the body of the person is brought back to normal state of well being from the state of alcohol/drug dependence. Hence detoxification is the beginning of treatment for alcohol/drug dependence which needs to be followed by other treatments to deal with underlying addiction.

    Behavioral counselors: Behavioral counselors help clients change their thinking processes and improve the way they react to specific problem situations. Behavioral therapists can help with a variety of issues and disorders, including depression, substance abuse or addiction, anxiety and marital problems.

    Medication: Medication (also called medicine or pharmaceutical drugs) is the use of legal drugs to treat or cure an illness. Some drugs are freely sold. They are called over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Other drugs are so powerful or dangerous that a doctor must give permission to use the drug.